I speak with paint, crayon, pencil, pen, and objects. I am a colorist. I like to walk the line between abstraction and representation. Within a piece, some shapes seem familiar, some not; looking further something different appears to you.
The familiar becomes unfamiliar then familiar in a different way My painting is both spontaneous and carefully arranged. I hope there is joy in it. I paint people. Looking for their edges, the contour line. some parts left out. I’ll choose the essentials: Who are you? I see what I see. Who i see. Who you might be. I might see close enough.
I speak with objects. Collect them within the studio and they find each other. They become Rauschenberg’s WORD COMBINES. In my sculpture and installation you might detect humor. I hope so. I hope the spirit of it all is contagious.

I relate to a female response to the heroic intentions and lofty tragic themes of a mostly male abstract expressionism. I earned my Master of Fine Arts at The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.
I would like to think that my style uses athleticism, (I am a sprinter and now a competitive tennis player), line, gesture, color, and a connection to the model.
I was born in San Francisco and have a strong identity with the place: My great great grandfather was the sheriff of Mono County during the Gold Rush.
I am an empathetic listener and viewer of the work of my fellow artists. I am passionate and spirited.
Here’s an article about me from the Pennsylvania Academy of The Fine Arts blog: